Hot Topics and Heat Exhaustion

By Hannah

Written by Lina Leskovec Artwork by Taylor Brunnschweiler The temperature is rising. No, I am not talking about climate change. I am talking about public discourse. It seems to be full of hot topics. This…

The (Un)Reliability of Memory

By Inter

Written by Moran Katz Illustration by Marlon Schotel Ronald Cotton was convicted of two counts of rape and two counts of burglary in the winter of 1987.1  The jury believed it was unarguably him. The…

The Illusion of Control

By Inter

By Jasper Brown Performance is a peculiar concept. It takes hundreds of hours to develop, but is showcased within a matter of minutes, even seconds. These events are recalled to the mind with relative ease,…

A Memo for Tomorrow

By Inter

Written by Nicolò Vecchio Illustration by Tes Miedema Human beings have a fascinating relationship with memory. We do our best to remember what we can and what we think is important, but we are forgetful…

How Social Media Affected the News

By Inter

Written by Roeland Dubèl Illustration by Marlon Schotel Back in the day, the news got delivered right to your doorstep, in the form of a paper copy, imprinted with black ink. If you did not…

The shadow side of education

By Inter

Written by Pieter Vergouw Illustration by Rena Hänel Private tutoring is an activity that has ancient roots. Patrician Roman families would hire a tutor to educate their children in the skills of poetry, geography, and…