About Inter

Inter is short for “interdisciplinary, a word that is becoming increasingly popular in science and higher education. A discipline is a more or less defined field within which certain methods and practices are used. Interdisciplinary students and researchers try to connect these different disciplines. They do so out of the conviction that some issues cannot be answered by a single discipline. To understand and address big issues such as climate change, globalization or digitalization, you need to first study them from a variety of perspectives.

Inter was created by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the UvA and follows in the footsteps of the former interdisciplinary magazine Blind, which was founded by students at the University of Amsterdam in 2004. The huge archive of timeless articles on topics such as Gold, Color Consciousness and Energy can still be found as usual on this website.

Inter is created by students for students. The editorial board members come from a variety of different academic backgrounds and always strive for diverse articles that offer wonder, surprise, newsworthiness, depth and the occasional wink. In choosing topics, one’s own interests are followed and social and scientific developments are taken into account.

Our editors are advised by an editorial board consisting of scientists from different fields. The function of the editorial board is important for networking, quality assurance and support, which is possible thanks to the different expertise of its members.

Would you like to contribute to Inter? Then send an email to hello@intermagazine.nl. We are still looking for enthusiasts to join the editorial team, create illustrations and help improve the website.

Our Team


Jasper Brown studies Psychology at UvA and is interested in behavioural economics and heuristics. Jasper takes any opportunity to kayak and enjoys classic cinema, music, as well as philosophy. At Inter Jasper acts as a co-editor-in-chief, as well as a writing editor. 

Hannah Brunnschweiler is bachelor’s student of Communication Science. As of now, she does not know what specific domain she wants to study in but is curious about persuasive or political communication. In her studies, she enjoys statistics and conducting research. Outside of university, she enjoys going on walks, listening to music or reading. She loves being creative, whether that is through photography or learning how to play a new song. For Inter, Hannah acts as a co-editor-in-chief as well as managing media and outreach.

Bartosz Skitał is an Economics student at UvA with growing interest in researching human behaviour in economic context. He is also very passionate about music and often spends his free time exploring the art and its culture, as well as improving his guitar playing and overall composition and production skills. For Inter, Bartosz acts as a co-editor-in-chief, as well as a writing editor and quality controller.

Media and Outreach

Yanely Lopez is a third-year Communication Science student at the University of Amsterdam, taking a business minor at Vrije University. She loves bringing ideas to life and is eager to join as an editor and be part of the media and outreach team. She also enjoys trying new foods and activities with friends, running, reading, and spending cozy nights in.
Vendi Havlucu Levi is a BSc Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. She is interested in entertainment communication and the changing human relationships with the evolving digital world. In the future, she hopes to pursue a Masters degree within this field. In her free time, she enjoys watching reality tv shows and dancing. At Inter Vendi acts as a writing editor and helps managing media and outreach.

Yeji Hong is a second-year Media and Information Bachelor student at the University of Amsterdam. She enjoys creative activities in general, such as creating videos, digital illustration, taking photographs, and music.

Editorial Team

Lina Leskovec is a third year political science student at UvA. Before moving to Amsterdam, she lived in Slovenia. Specialising in political theory, she has an interest in philosophy and its practical application. Other than that, she enjoys reading, art and chess.
Pieter Vergouw is a qualified English and Economics teacher and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Law. At Inter, Pieter writes articles on numerous subjects, including adult education, language learning, integrity in sports, tax policy and international law. In his free time he enjoys cooking, playing guitar and restoring antique typewriters.
Jai Ramlakhan is a BSc Econometrics student at the University of Amsterdam. Before that he finished an International Business degree in Rotterdam. During his studies he likes to use math to examine the economical models he learned and compare those to recent events. He is a curious student that likes to expand his horizons. Currently that includes learning how to cook and restoring retro video game consoles.

Gabriella Meshako is a first year bachelor’s student of Global Arts, Culture and Politics at the University of Amsterdam. Moving forward with her program, she plans on perusing a concentration in sustainability. Gabriella enjoys contemporary art, experimental films and fashion. For Inter, Gabriella is a quality controller as well as a writing editor.

Norbert Borski is a first-year Master’s student in Biomedical Sciences with a specialization in Oncology at UvA. He completed his Bachelor’s in Biology in Cracow, Poland, and then traveled through South America before settling in Amsterdam. Besides spending time in the lab, he is passionate about exploring new cultures, traveling, and learning languages. In his free time, he enjoys creating art through pottery, painting, and writing, as well as appreciating art through film and theater.
Julia Botti Lirio is currently in her second year studying PPLE (in the Law Major) at the University of Amsterdam. She is particularly interested in the study of the human rights movement in an international context and the role of Law in regulating Economics. Outside of the academic context, she enjoys reading, going to concerts, and watching movies. At Inter, Julia acts as a writing editor
Laura Cadamuro is a master student at UvA. Born and raised in Italy, she moved to Amsterdam to study communication. She studied Modern Philology during her previous master and literature remains her first love, but she’s curious about anything that captures her attention. Her main interests are comparative literature studies and she always wants to find out more on anything that relates to art, philosophy or sociology (especially when it’s intertwined with politics).
Rebeka Milius is a third-year bachelor’s student of Media and Culture at UvA. Within the study of film, her interests and writing gravitate toward theories of diaspora, realism and pre-independence Estonian cinema. Outside of university, she enjoys working as a waitress in a hotel, biking, and cooking for friends.
Kian Shah  studied Global and Comparative Philosophy in Leiden, with an emphasis on Buddhist, Islamic, and German philosophy, and is now in the first year of the Research Master’s in Philosophy at UvA. He is passionate about the written word in general, and particularly how philosophers of all stripes use language to communicate about what is beyond language. He loves a good museum and loves a good concert even more. He is also a bit of a polyglot: aside from his native tongue, English, Kian speaks Dutch, Spanish, German, and a bit of French.
Maitri is a first-year in the Sign Language Linguistics Bachelor’s. They’re currently learning Sign Language of the Netherlands and Dutch, and discovering the visible-yet-invisible world of signing. Aside from that, they spend the day with their puppy Ikko, or by city-watching.

Visual Contributors

Taylor Brunnschweiler is a third year studying European Languages and cultures at the University of Groningen. Other than languages, she enjoys cosmetology, illustration and graphic design in general.

Célia Mortureux is a second-year Communication Science Bachelor student, at the University of Amsterdam. She has a vivid passion for painting and music, always striving to learn more. She loves to play around with many mediums, like photography, digital illustration, and traditional model drawing. She can often be spotted sketching in cafes or parks on a sunny day with an overpriced oat chai latte. She is also politically engaged, particularly in ocean protection advocacy.

You can follow her works at @doodling_un

Marlon studied English Language and Culture, with an MA in Youth Literature and in International Education. She thinks Children’s books are a great combination between her love for literature and illustration. With a preference for realism, but a growing interest for more 2D styles, she likes learning to illustrate digitally/digitalize drawings, as well as making lino prints, painting, and engraving. In her free time she likes to knit and read, dance and swim, or make music with her band. You can follow her @marlongiliane.

Merel Hamminga is currently in her last year of the Master Clinical Neuropsychology at the University of Amsterdam. She did her bachelor in Psychobiology, but made the step towards Psychology because she thought she didn’t want to go in the scientific direction. In the end, she is no longer sure about that and would like to combine psychology and science in a future job.In her free time, she enjoys a good book, playing tennis and nature (especially birds). But most of all, she likes drawing,crafting or being creative.
Zofia Jankowska is a third year Product Design student at the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology. In her studies she’s most interested in furniture and graphic design – creating labels and packagings. Zofia enjoys everything creative: photography, drawing her own characters, sewing clothes, making jewelery or colorful makeup. You can find her projects at @zjankowskadesign

Anya Shah is a Rotterdam based photographer who uses experimental photography to explore the nuances of everyday life and the world around us. Anya has a background in light design which transformed into her work as a photographer. Her subjects are movement, light, and nature and she takes inspiration from surrealism.


Below you can find the names of the former editors and contributors of Blind, the predecessor of Inter Magazine: 

Dick Bierman, Willem Frankenhuis, Mendel Giezen, Herman Philipse, Arno Verweij, Karel van Dam, Daniel Paarlberg, Professor Ed van den Heuvel, Machiel Keestra, Annemie Ploeger, Merel Schogt, Erik Rietveld, Marleen Nagtegaal, Jojanneke van der Toorn, Auke Pols, Elisa Hermanides, Bas Leerintveld, Wim Rietdijk, Johan van Benthem, Tine Wilde, Thomas Vaessens, Albert Jan Kruiter, Lotje Mertens, Igor Berezhnoy, Eric Postma, Jaap van den Herik, Ivar Hagendoorn, Henkjan Honing, Diederik den Daas, Rune Bennemeer, Marie Lindegaard, Saskia Lourens, Marcel Maussen, Tristan Mostert, Irene Conradie, Miranda van Tilburg, Ad Vingerhoets, Maarten Frankenhuis, Hanneke Posthumus, Olaf Penne,

Sanne van der Marck, Rosa Hofstee, Eva Kwakman, Stella Aalderink, Joy Leering, Nouschka Veerman, Merel Spaander, Maarten Visscher, Frodi Fransman, Rowan Koeleman, Mojdeh Feili, Nora van de Water, Boudewijn van den Berg (webmaster), Annefleur Langedijk, Esther Visser, Esmee Schouten, Hedwig Ens, Iza Korsmit, Petra van der Kooij. 

Special thanks to Will van Houten who took on the role of editor-in-chief for Blind for many years. 

This list was created using the archive of Inter, as well as with the help of Gerard van den Akker. It should be noted that this list is not finalised, and is currently being worked on!

2004 - 2023