An Interview with Annika Iselhorst the winner of the 2023 IIS Create a Course Challenge

By Jasper Brown and Hannah Brunnschweiler If you could take any course at the UvA, what would you take? Every year, the IIS asks this question, and every year one student’s idea is chosen. The theme “Future Change” provided vast inspiration for the five finalists, as well as the editors at Inter. But only one course…

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Sunshine and Consumer Minds: How warmth shapes perceptions and choices

Written by Jasper Brown Artwork by Célia Mortureux In our modern world, we are bombarded by an incessant flow of information and surrounded by a consumer-driven society that constantly vies for our attention. We encounter an average of up to 5000 advertisements per day,[i] shaping our perceptions and influencing our decision-making. In the midst of…

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The Illusion of Control

By Jasper Brown Performance is a peculiar concept. It takes hundreds of hours to develop, but is showcased within a matter of minutes, even seconds. These events are recalled to the mind with relative ease, such as interviews for jobs, internships, or places of education. No doubt, the most vivid in one’s memory are interactive…

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